What to do to combat a sedentary lifestyle?

Read our blog today and take advantage of health insurance to face a sedentary lifestyle in your home.

According to the WHO, 60% of the world’s population leads a sedentary life. Alarming data, don’t you think? A sedentary lifestyle is considered a global health problem and some sources describe it as the disease of the 21st century. What to do to get it out of your life and that of your family? Read our blog today and take advantage of health insurance to face a sedentary lifestyle in your home.

“Sedentary life”, “physical inactivity”, and “sedentary lifestyle”, are terms that are continually referred to in TV news, scientific study articles, doctor’s advice, and are even often the subject of conversation among friends.

It is a lifestyle that increasingly affects everyone, from the youngest to the elderly, and yet it is something that we can simply combat in our daily life habits, without great effort.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a sedentary person as someone who performs less than 90 minutes of physical activity per week. Keep in mind that when it comes to physical activity, it is not limited to the practice of a particular sport or exercise.

What are the fundamental causes from a sedentary lifestyle?

In the United States, according to public data from the CDCs from earlier this year, 1 in 5 adults in almost every state in the country is physically inactive. This means that they do not participate in any physical activity outside of work: activities such as running, walking for exercise, or gardening.

According to the studies consulted, the lifestyle of modern society does not favor sufficient physical activity for health well-being.

Why? Well, because of the impact of the convenience of buying online, the use of passive means of transportation, the abuse of technology – especially in children and young people, foods with a high content of sugars and fats, among other factors.

What are the main risks to our health of a sedentary life?

Physical inactivity can cause, in the first place, obesity. But to that, add:

  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Low emotional levels
  • Neck and back problems
  • Loss of flexibility in the joints
  • Sleeping problems
  • Bone weakening
  • Digestive disorders
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Muscular atrophy
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Increased cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Premature aging

Dr. Ruth Petersen, director of the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity at the CDC explains that “getting enough physical activity could prevent one in 10 premature deaths.” She adds that “too many people are missing out on the health benefits of physical activity, such as improving sleep, lowering blood pressure and anxiety, lowering the risk of heart disease, various types of cancer, and dementia,” including Alzheimer’s.

Face a sedentary lifestyle with an active and joyful attitude.

How can we combat a sedentary lifestyle in our daily life?

Physical activity is crucial to combat a sedentary lifestyle and is defined by the WHO as energy expenditure as a result of any type of body movement produced by the skeletal muscles.

Physical activity is not restricted to the practice of a sport or a particular routine, but the movement in general, whether within the work day, going to and from somewhere, physical work in housework, etc.

There are many and varied activities that you can do on a regular basis to combat sedentary lifestyle habits. Here are some ideas:

  • Walking
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Ride a bicycle
  • Exercise at least at home if you don’t have time to go to the gym (rely on YouTube videos)
  • Jump rope
  • Playing sports
  • Dance!

What benefits do insurances offer to support physical activity and illnesses related to a sedentary lifestyle?

Insurers make fitness programs available to their members to help lead an active lifestyle, as well as brochures with tips for the prevention and treatment of obesity and diabetes.

In addition, within their rewards programs, they offer access to a gym and even conduct online classes.

Remember that most plans offer support resources, and include within their benefits “disease management programs” such as diabetes, weight loss, cholesterol, heart disease, pain management, among others.

Approach your health insurer and inquire about the support programs they offer you for the well-being of your health through physical activity.

Remember that prevention is better than cure. Read this blog where we explain better why.

And most importantly, do everything you can in your daily routine to elevate the well-being of your health and that of your family.

Was this information useful to you? Get more details or receive a free quote. Contact me so that you can choose the plans that best adapt to your requirements and conditions.

Request free advice at +1 786 322 9449.


Sources consulted:

Sedentarismo: Causas y consecuencias (Revista Retos)

(CDC) La asociación entre el tiempo de estar sentado y los factores de riesgo cardiometabólico

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